How to Become a Morning Person

Hey guys!If the word “morning” sends you hiding under the covers, this post is for you! Most people claim they’re either an early riser or a night owl. One isn’t better than the other, it’s simply the time you feel the best and most productive! The major difference is that night owls tend to dread mornings so deeply, they often start their days cranky, sluggish and unproductive.I used to go to sleep at 4am daily (bad bad habit) and it messed with my metabolism so much. I wasn’t able to lose weight or gain muscle and my body felt super stuck…until I changed the way I slept. It wasn’t until VERY recently that I was able to happily wake up do my workout , yoga or even clean the house .

Plan Ahead

1. Practice good sleep hygiene. “Keeping a consistent sleep schedule is one of the best ways to ensure you’re getting quality, restful sleep,”

2. Take your time. Balancing your own well-being against other personal and professional responsibilities is tough. Often, finding the right work-life balance starts with saying “No,” and so does getting enough sleep. Pare down your evening commitments so that you’ve got an hour completely blocked off to wind down before bed.

Coffee, light, and something to do

These are my ingredients for a successful morning routine.Coffee is deceptively important. Sure, the caffeine is nice, but the preparation is essential to my morning. It takes me 15 minutes to make coffee & break fast . cleaning or checking your email while that is being done . Instead, I stand in the kitchen, wake up slowly, think about my day, and enjoy a fresh cup of coffee when I’m done.

Having something to do is part of “how to wake up early,” but for me it’s also why I wake up early. Usually I work—filming or editing, sometimes email, a little design work. Exercise is a great morning activity. Even doing dishes, ironing shirts, or straightening up the apartment helps me wake up and feel productive before the day has started.


Even on those mornings when you can barely drag yourself out of bed (we've been there), come to your mat—or simply your living room rug—for this sequence that anyone can do (no experience or toe-touching flexibility required!). Not only do these feel-good poses perk you up, but they'll also open your hips, stretch your shoulders, and lengthen your spine. The result: You'll walk away feeling centered, focused, and ready to own the day.

It’s not always easy for me to wake up, but I’ve learned to love mornings. By 9:30am most days I’ve had an hour of productive work, showered and dressed, walked two miles, had breakfast, and enjoyed two cups of coffee.

Please, enjoy your mornings.


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