Big fat chocolaty cookies

If your craving chocolate + crunch the same time , I have got you covered  :)   I have been browsing the internet for a while now and I have stumbled upon " THE TANYA BURR COOKIES " everyone is talking about it and how big and chocolaty the cookies are ! so I have decided  to bake them . And I fell in love  with them and  I cant get enough .  If you are looking to make chocolate dough add coco powder :)


To make 10 (rather large) cookies you will need:
200g butter
300g caster sugar
1 large egg
275g self-raising flour
75g cocoa powder
a little dash of milk
a large bar of milk chocolate (Cadburys is my fave)
a large bar of white chocolate
a large bar of dark chocolate (this is totally optional – only add if you are a dark choice fan. Sometimes I add Daim bars instead of dark choc for a yummy toffee crunch!)


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