You don't have to be feeling guilty if your
postponing something important in your life . sometimes it's really important when we get to this dark side in our mind we have to think wait a minute I have to check myself at this point . like what do I do when things aren't going according to my plan. like this was supposed to be on this time line or this plan and I have to postpone it and this is doesn't feel like feel "okay " . our whole entire life we were given really really spasific timelines for things how are things supposed to go i mean even of the age before we could even talk we have no clue what's even going on . our parents are very aware of like your supposed to talk on this age or walk in this age . it's like a surtein range were things where things were supposed to go and and it gives a a since of suranty in the world it helps us that there will be a benchmark and sort of finish line that we can cross before we could move on to other thing and in a crazy world that it's completely unseran where there is so little that we could actually can control . having things like deadlines and times lines it helps us feel calmer . it helps us like ok I know where this is gonna go do when a ranch gets thrown in the mix and suddenly you have to supone anything important it can throw our world in a loop!
we always start worrying and wander of what everybody else will start to think
because we love the idea that I can expect that this will happen when. because it makes up feel like we're in control
[again these" timelines " these "deadlines" this is really important for humans . haven't you notice if your not "graduated" at the time or not" married " at this time then "something is wrong with you " supposivly because your not living up to other people timelines and expectations ? *boring way to live in don't believe in that i don't incourage you to live you consaps of spasific timeline or dead line is going to be . but sometimes that starts to happen seeing myself from the outside in and imagining what all theses people are thinking about me like my professors and my parents and my friends and all these people that I work with like what are they gonna think? what are they gonna think? and when we do that ooohhh my God it's exsosting and horrible and it doesn't surf anybody and it make me confused because I don't really know how I really feel